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Task force on climate-related financial disclosures ('TCFD')

The Group welcomes the initiative for increased governance and transparency in general, and specifically in relation to climate change.

The Group supports good governance and transparency in general, and specifically in relation to climate change. The Board recognises the societal and investor focus on climate change, and the desire to understand potential impacts on the oil and gas industry through meaningful disclosure, such as those recommended by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (‘TCFD’) and those required by the Companies Act via Climate-related Financial Disclosures ('CFD'). Listing Rule 9.8.6R requires companies to include climate-related financial disclosures consistent with the TCFD recommendations. EnQuest has complied with these requirements save for: 

  • Quantification of risks and opportunities within Strategy (b) and the associated Metrics and Targets; and 
  • Scope 3 recommendations within Metrics and Targets. 

With regard to the quantification of risks and opportunities, through the Group’s financial planning and liquidity management processes EnQuest has mature and well-established processes by which it quantifies the impacts of changing commodity prices and cost of emissions trading certificates on its business. These quantification processes are being expanded to assess the potential impact of various other risks and opportunities, details of which are set out below.
For Scope 3 recommendations, EnQuest has made progress towards compliance through the inclusion of certain Scope 3 emissions within the metrics and targets section (items (a) and (b)) on a phased basis. During 2023, the Group has incorporated verified Scope 3 emission category 5 “waste generated in operations” data. In line with both the Group's Continuous Improvement Plan (‘CIP’) and the United Nations-adopted Sustainable Development Goal (‘SDG’) 12, Responsible Consumption & Production, EnQuest will commence reporting on this category from 1 January 2023. The Group is also now capturing data per category 4 “upstream transportation and distribution” and is exploring the potential for reporting category 11 “use of sold products”. The Group is planning, therefore, to report against three categories of Scope 3 emissions in the 2024 Annual Report and Accounts.

2023 TCFD Report