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Environmental reporting

EnQuest is a responsible operator, focused on reducing absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions across our operations

Our Environmental Management System (EMS) ensures our activities are conducted in such a way that we manage and mitigate our impact on the environment. The system meets the requirements of OSPAR recommendation 2003/5 and is aligned with the requirements of the International Organisation for Standardisation’s environmental management system standard – ISO 14001. The Enquest EMS is independently verified every two years.

In the UK, we publish our annual Environmental Statement in line with the regulatory requirement under the OSPAR recommendation 2003/5. These statements are an open and transparent representation of our environmental performance across our offshore operations.
Related public statements are available via the website of the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

The environmental requirement in Malaysia is addressed as part of the EnQuest Malaysia Management System and in line with the ISO 14001. Greenhouse Gases (GHG) reporting was published on annual basis to PETRONAS as part of mandatory KPI submission in line with PETRONAS Procedures and Guidelines for Upstream Activities (PPGUA) requirement.

We are committed to further improving EnQuest's environmental performance by minimising flaring and the quantity of produced oil in water discharged to ensure adherence to regulatory requirements.

The Group has made good progress in reducing its absolute Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2022, with CO2 equivalent emissions reduced by 9.6% versus 2021, and by 22.7% versus the 2020 baseline, reflecting operational improvements and increased workforce awareness primarily driving lower flaring and diesel usage. Since 2018, UK emissions have reduced by 43.1%, driven by the decisions to cease production at a number of the Group’s assets and a material reduction in flaring, which is significantly ahead of the UK Government’s North Sea Transition Deal target of achieving a 10% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 CO2 equivalent emissions by 2025.

In 2021, the Group set a target of reducing its absolute Scope 1 and 2 CO2 equivalent emissions by 10% by 2023 against a 2020 baseline. Further 10% targets over three years have been set in 2022 and 2023, with the aim to deliver reductions through the implementation of various economic emissions avoidance initiatives. By delivering this additional reduction in emissions, we would position ourselves favourably against the 2027 target set out in the NSTD.

In addition to reducing upstream-related emissions, the Group has continued to optimise sales of Kraken cargoes directly to the shipping fuel market, thereby avoiding the significant emissions related to refining – estimated to be c.32- 36 kgCO2e/bbl1,2 for typical North Sea crude and helping to reduce sulphur emissions in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (‘IMO’) 2020 regulations.

Greenhouse gas (‘GHG’) emissions

EnQuest has reported on all of the emission sources within its operational control required under the Companies Act 2006 (Strategic Report and Directors’ Reports) Regulations 2013. These sources fall within the EnQuest consolidated financial statements. EnQuest has used the principles of the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard (revised edition), ISO 14064-1 and data gathered to fulfil the requirements under the ‘Environmental Reporting Guidelines: Including Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Guidance’ June 2013. The Mandatory Carbon Reporting (‘MCR’) report includes assets which are in the operational control of EnQuest.


SECR (Operational Control) ScopeSECR (Operational Control) ScopeBaseline


Total Emissions tCO2e2




Scope 1

Extraction Emissions tCO2e2




Scope 2Extraction Emissions tCO2e2679 7961,515
Scope 3Extraction Emissions tCO2e2567N/AN/A
 Extraction Intensity ratio kgCO2e/boe244.7045.0147.54 
Scope 1Terminal (SVT) Emissions tCO2e2/372,229 29,79454,859
Scope 2Terminal (SVT) Emissions tCO2e2/374,11372,003 86,011
Scope 3Terminal (SVT) Emissions tCO2e2/3177N/AN/A
 Terminal (SVT) Intensity ratio kgCO2e/boe2 throughput33.42 2.284.65 


Energy Consumption4 20232022
SECR (Operational Control) ScopeSECR (Operational Control) Scope


Total kWh4,353,231,6374,455,083,433

Scope 1

Extraction kWh3,678,072,239 3,924,133,320
Scope 2Extraction kWh1,855,7452,548,727
Scope 3Extraction kWh0N/A
 Extraction Intensity ratio kWh/boe2183.67 186.04
Scope 1Terminal (SVT) kWh2,3270,349,367116,158,249
Scope 2Terminal (SVT) kWh2,3402,954,286412,243,137
Scope 3Terminal (SVT) kWh2,30N/A
 Terminal (SVT) Intensity ratio kWh/boe2 throughput315.7211.84


UK & Overseas Breakdown 20232022
SECR (Operational Control) ScopeSECR (Operational Control) Scope
Scope 1UK Onshore tCO2e272,242 29,823
 UK Offshore tCO2e2618,587 637,070
 Non-UK tCO2e2276,243312,176
Scope 2UK Onshore tCO2e274,377 72,384
 UK Offshore tCO2e20
 Non-UK tCO2e2416416
Scope 3UK Onshore tCO2e2187N/A
 UK Offshore tCO2e2453N/A
 Non-UK tCO2e2105N/A
Scope 1UK Onshore kWh270,417,800116,302,182
 UK Offshore kWh2,488,418,862 2,599,376,955
 Non-UK kWh1,189,584,9451,324,612,431
Scope 2UK Onshore kWh404,226,950 414,208,783
 UK Offshore kWh00
 Non-UK kWh583,081583,081
Scope 3UK Onshore kWh0N/A
 UK Offshore kWh0N/A
 Non-UK kWh0N/A


1 When it is considered that the portfolio of assets under a company's operational control has changed significantly, the baseline, which is based on verified scope data, is recalculated to an appropriate comparative period for which good data is available. As such, the baseline is currently 2018 
2 tco2e = tonnes of CO2 equivalent. kgCO2e = kilogrammes of CO2 equivalent. Boe= barrel of oil equivalent. EnQuest is required to report the aggregate gross (100%) emissions for those assets over which it has operational control. As such, the extraction intensity ratio is calculated by taking the aggregate gross (100%) reported Scope 1 and 2 kgCO2e from those assets divided by the aggregate gross (100%) hydrocarbon production from the same assets. The throughput ratio is calculated by taking the aggregate gross (100%) reported Scope 1 and 2 kgCO2e from SVT divided by the aggregate total throughput at the terminal 
3 Note on Uncertainty: The uncertainty for total emissions within the verified scope is calculated as 3.01%. SVT emissions in isolation are not within 5% due to the steam and electricity meters for SVT not having supportable uncertainties 
4 Kilo-watt hour (kWh) data is reported on a net calorific value basis throughout 

5 Scope 3 emission Category 5 'waste generated in operations' is reported for the first time in 2023. Prior year data is unavailable

6 2022 was the first year that the PM8/Seligi (Malaysia) asset was included within the verified scope due to availability of supportable metering uncertainty documentation. The 2018 baseline figures in the tables above are quoted for all assets in the operational control of EnQuest but it is declared for transparency that the PM8/Seligi asset contribution was not verified for the 2018 baseline

7 Scope 3 emission Category 5 'waste generated in operations' is reported for the first time in 2023. As this is a waste category, there is no associated kWh measure

8 Intensity ratios are calculated against Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions only and, as such, exclude Scope 3 emissions

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